Thursday 24 May 2012

iPad app. to aid communication for non-verbal students

This is a link to an app. that I'm just trying with one of my students.
I've only just downloaded it today and had a very quick try but the student concerned really liked it.
I have downloaded the free version - Tobii Sona Flex Lite.
I am not sure if you only get a limited time useage with the Lite version - as it did start 'saying' to me - that it was the free version.  I'll let you know how it goes.

Tobii Sona Flex

N.B. The full version costs $124.99 !!!

1 comment:

  1. Interesting talk at schoool yesterday about various methods of communication and which are best. Are expensive apps. loke this necessary?
    I think for some people - yes wthout a doubt - but definitely not for others. No one stop shop for this communication buisness I'm afraid.
