Monday 27 August 2012


I was researching apps. which may help one particular student with his expressive language and have discovered this.  It sounds FAB!  I am going to give it a whirl and let you know how I get this space.......



App Name/Publisher: Songify by the Gregory brothers of Khush Inc.

Description: Perfect for iPhone, iTouch, iPad or Android this FREE and easy to use app allows you to turn speech into song. Simply “tap to record” and voila, Songify turns your speech into awesome musical vocals set to upbeat tracks. Totally cool, right!? Don't like the default track that comes with the app? No problem! The app boasts a variety of tracks you can mix and re-mix your new song for $1 per track. You can even save your recording and email it as an mp4 file to Facebook, Twitter or Gmail.

Applications for Music Therapy: Although I have used this app with clients to focus on breath support, articulation and discussing social concepts, Songify can also address expressive language, following directions, and creativity. Just the other day I had one client talk about what he had for breakfast and another talk about her feelings for a close friend. What a great expressive tool!
Applications Outside of Music Therapy: Great for addressing speech and language goals and an excellent motivational tool for addressing behavioral goals like following directions and impulse control.
Songify is loads of fun for addressing all kinds of therapeutic goals, but really, it is a fun app for everyone in the family. Download this FREE app for your kids and students today!
Reviewed by: Bonnie Hayhurst, MT-BC
Music Therapist and owner of


Had a bit of a search of reviews for the Dexteria app.  Loads - mostly mixed reviews.

Here is one such review:

As the app is cheap I may get it to give it a try.

App Connect - September 2012

Hi there everyone,

This link will take you to the September 2012 issue of App Connect:

I'm quite liking the look of the 'Dexteria' app - will research it a bit more - could be useful for several students in my class.