Saturday 21 April 2012


Hi everyone,

Just saw Bobbie in the mall (I was kid free so grabbed the opportunity to browse the shops).  Anyway - Bobbie has bought a 'tablet' which she says is really cool.  I seized the opportunity to tell Bobbie about our blog,  She is going to let us know via the blog how she gets on with the tablet - lots of the apps are available for both her thingy (sorry can't remember what type it was) and iPads.  So even more info will be winging our way soon.

Has anyone tried the iPads with their students yet.  If yes - how did you get on?

I have given the kids a go and they loved them.  I just downloaded a variety of apps to start with not knowing if they would be any good or not.  These ranged from apps involving characters I know particular students love (e.g. Toy Story) to maths games e.g. hungry fish and dot to dot.  Also loads of other apps as well.

Initially I just let the kids 'play'.  They all seemed quite keen even the students who are usually hard to engage got involved.

One thing I really liked initially was to see kids sitting at the iPad and sharing/interacting/laughing together - it all seemed much easier than on a desk top computer.

I could go on for ever but I'll go and finish my cuppa now before it gets cold - oh just before I go - I used the iPad for videoing a student for the 4min video we have to do for our objective.  So easy - no wires,  no booking a video, no downloading, etc - just point and go : )

Bye for now - need to wash down my apple turnover.


  1. Mm apple turnover! So it's Bobbie here, tapping away on my tablet, a Samsung Galaxy. Have downloaded a few diffeent apps from the android market and have tested them out with my young man with autism and also my 3 year old grandson who has been able to work his way around the games easily.
    I downloaded a couple of memory games- Simon says, where you copy a pattern of lights and also a card memory game. The card memory game has different options of pictures involving animals, I was surprised how well the boys did, maintaining focus and interest.

    I have been given the name of a couple of apps to try so will come back and let you know how they go. Can't wait to try them out at school!

  2. My young lady with autism really enjoys a menory game on the iPad too. Can't remember what it's called. Can't check as the iPad is at school. I'll have a look next week and let you know.

  3. p.s. the apple turnover had fresh cream in it.

  4. The IPAD's been a great hit in our class already. All of my students, except for one, are really motivated by it.

    We've loaded on about a dozen Apps: mainly maths, literacy and drawing. I thought it might be useful if we can share reviews here about the Apps we're using. I'll start the ball rolling...

    Name of App: “Maths, age 3-5”: we're using the Free version from the Apps store. It is very user-friendly. It has a good range of sorting and matching activities – from simple one-step activities such as identifying colours, through to matching shapes, size, finding the odd one out, matching similar pairs (e.g. brush & comb; bat & ball etc), also has some memory card games - maybe this is the one you're thinking of Bobbie?
    Good sound effects and a large tick or cross appears immediately when students complete a question (so they get instant feedback). Much more engaging and complex than it’s possible to achieve on a similar Velcro activity! There are 10 topics on the programme – and if this first activity is anything to go by, they would all be good - but only the “Matching” part is free.
    Verdict: Great for my students. One student is deaf and has mastered several matching activities by watching the demonstration (i.e. without being able to hear the instructions)and without needing much in the way of staff assistance. Another student who usually has a VERY short concentration span has been staying seated and methodically working though activities independently for in excess of 10mins!
    My advice: this App is definitely worth loading.

    GM (aka "Anonymous" because I don't have a google account).

  5. Yes! Portability is a huge advantage in comparison to pc.
