Tuesday 5 March 2013

The Cat in the Hat

What is it about the Cat in the Hat and other Dr Seuss creations - kids just love 'em.  I know quite a few kids with ASD that love 'em big time.
Thanks to Julie King (National Click Sp. Ed. Coordinator) for drawing this super dooper cool app to my attention.

The app is: Dr. Seuss Camera - The Cat in the Hat Edition

"Create zany and whimsical Cat in the Hat Cards, using your Camera or images from your Photo Library.
Take pictures with Cat in the Hat characters or choose to become the Cat in the Hat, the playful Things or even Sally or her brother. Personalize cards with comical and colorful stamps, borders and classic Seussian text. Cat in the Hat Cards can be e-mailed to friends & family or saved to the Photo Library."

and.....check out that 'f' word - yes it's FREE!!!!!!

The kids in my class loved this app.  I downloaded it on to the class iPad and we all took turns in taking pics of eath other.  Great experience sharing stuff!!! 

Great for hand eye coordination and fine motor skills (moving the photo into position).
The more able students in my class emailed their finished photos to their friends and families. 

Yippee - fun all round.


  1. I found this site that had heaps of app suggestions:

    Need to start checking out the alternatives for the samsung

    1. Thanks for this tip - I will check the link out - splendid : )

  2. I loaded another 'Cat' one; Cat in the hat -lite. good for our class. I like how the words come up when you touch a picture, you can record students voice etc.
    Cat cam will be a fun way to practise motor skills for the iPad.

    1. Thanks for this - I must try out the Lite' version - it sounds pretty awesome.
      You are eligible for FREE CHOCOLATE but I don't know who you are : )
